Supporting communities
Meeting the needs of the local community through giving.
Aramco Singapore has supported Jamiyah and PERTAPIS, two established and reputable charitable organisations in Singapore, through donations.
Jamiyah finances programmes and services, including the running of welfare homes and related projects to serve the social and welfare needs of the community regardless of race or religion, and PERTAPIS’ main welfare projects include the running of welfare homes, providing social support for the needy families and educational services which are designed to address some of the social problems faced by the community.
To support their services, we have donated furniture, office furnishing and appliances to the homes and counselling centres and food bank centre to meet the growing needs of the community.
Batam, Indonesia
Since 2015, Aramco Singapore, together with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, has helped to improve the lives of the Kabil community by providing them with safe housing and access to clean running. Aramco continues its commitment to provide safe housing for Kabil villagers in Batam.
Under the Batam Build programme, 50 families were given access to safe housing and toilets, while another 28 families had received access to running clean water.
Cilacap, Indonesia
In Cilacap, Aramco partnered Yayasan Kusuma Buana to support the Cilacap government's drive to reduce environment-related disease and raise awareness in water hygiene, sanitation and nutrition and waste management.
A health carnival for residents was held in January 2019 to celebrate the success of the “Aramco Healthy Kids, Healthy Nation” programme in Cilacap. The “Semarak Aramco Healthy Kids, Healthy Nation” carnival brought together the community members in Cilacap to celebrate the completion of the programme. More than 2,000 Cilacap residents including elementary school students, teachers and local government officials performed mass gymnastics in the city square of Cilacap District.
Launched in 2018, the 'Aramco Healthy Kids Healthy Nation' programme took a 360-approach approach in improving the health and quality of life of 5,900 Cilacap residents.
Improvements to the facilities of 20 Cilacap public schools, madrasah (Islamic schools) and pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), such as toilet, water tap and school canteen, were carried out.
Health education on sanitation, nutrition and good hygiene with activities and competitions were conducted for students, teachers and parents. In addition, a hydrophonic garden was piloted in 13 schools as part of the nutrition education to encourage canteen operators to provide nutritious meals and students to eat more vegetables. As part of this initiative, TB and typhus screening were offered to the canteen operators.
“We are confident that the ‘Aramco Healthy Kids Healthy Nation’ programme will significantly contribute to the government’s efforts in improving Indonesia’s Human Development Index value. By improving the health of elementary students aged from 6-11 years old, the program strives to enable Indonesia to reap the opportunity of the demographic dividend in the period of 2020 – 2030.”
Joedo Prihartono, Chairman of Yayasan Kusuma Buana
Lombok and Cilacap, Indonesia
Responding to urgent need for safe drinking water in Indonesia
We are deeply committed to helping Indonesia after a series of earthquakes crippled Lombok in July and August of 2018. Thousands of affected residents were forced from their uninhabitable homes and fled to displacement camps that lacked adequate supply of potable water.
In response to the critical need for safe drinking water, we worked together with Planet Water Foundation to deploy five AquaTower systems, serving the displaced residents of Lombok. As a result, more than 5,000 people now have a reliable source of drinking water, and 2,500 children benefitted, from the Water-Health and Hygiene Education programs that were delivered to the primary education schools where AquaTowers are located. Another five AquaTowers were also installed in Cilacap, Indonesia, bringing the total number beneficiaries in Lombok and Cilacap to over 14,000 people.