YG, GEC and local communities join forces with Aramco to address coastal erosion in Indonesia

100 volunteers from local communities, schools, local government, Yayasan Gambut, Global Environment Centre and Aramco celebrated the launch of the Community-based Mangrove Conservation Program to plant 8,000 mangroves in Buruk Bakul, Riau Province, Indonesia.
The Sekat Bakau community of Buruk Bakul Village, in Bukit Batu, Riau, Indonesia, and Yayasan Gambut (YG), with support from Global Environment Centre (GEC) and Aramco, have launched the Community-based Mangrove Conservation Program to engage and empower local communities in the rehabilitation and conservation of mangroves.
To kick-start the program, 100 volunteers from Sekat Bakau, local communities, schools, local government, YG, GEC and Aramco planted 200 Bakau Minyak (Rhizophora apiculata) saplings at a degraded mangrove area in the Buruk Bakul Village.
The mangrove planting event was graced by Bengkalis Regent Expert Staff Sector of Government, Legal, and Politics, Mr Allfakhrurrozy, ST., M.Si. (front centre) and Secretary of Bukit Batu Sub-district, Mr. Rizki Subagia Effendi, S.STP., M.Si. (front right) and Aramco Asia Singapore Director of Public Affairs and Business Support Ms Patsy Koh (front left).
The Community-based Mangrove Conservation program engages and empowers local communities to plant 8,000 mangroves and rehabilitate 4 hectares of degraded mangrove area in Buruk Bakul Village.
A study on coastal erosion in Bukit Batu Sub-District1 revealed that the coast eroded by 140 metres between 1991 and 2021, or an average annual erosion rate of more than four metres each year. Without erosion prevention measures in place, the rate of erosion can continue to increase and present a dire situation for the locals living in the area.
Supported by Aramco, with YG as project implementation partner and GEC as the project management and technical facilitating agency, the program aims to restore degraded mangroves through the planting of 8,000 mangrove trees at Buruk Bakul and construction of a 100-metre wave breaker, to reduce wave energy and retain sedimentation.
In addition to the planting of mangroves, a 100-metre wave breaker is also built to reduce wave energy and mitigate coastal erosion in Buruk Bakul Village.
Aramco Asia Singapore Managing Director Fai K. Aldossary said: “At Aramco, we strongly believe in protecting and restoring habitats to achieve sustainable development and protect the homes of local communities. We are pleased to be working with our partners and local communities in Indonesia to further expand our mangrove conservation efforts in Southeast Asia.”
GEC Director Faizal Parish said: “The partnership with Aramco Asia Singapore, Yayasan Gambut, Buruk Bakul Village Government and Sekat Bakau has enabled us to build community awareness on the importance of conserving and protecting the mangrove and coastal ecosystem; establish a community nursery to support the planting activities; and promote several alternative livelihood options to reduce pressure on the use of mangrove resources. When communities understand the role and ability of mangroves to protect their homes and improve their livelihoods, they will be empowered to lead their own conservation and preservation efforts in the long-term.”
YG Director Mulyadi said: “The project activities are in line with the aspirations of the Indonesian government on the management of mangrove and coastal ecosystems towards an integrated and sustainable program.”
Sekat Bakau Community Chairman, Khaidir M. Alim, expressed his gratitude to Aramco, GEC, YG and stakeholders for their support. “We hope this will prompt many others to join us in restoring and conserving the mangrove and coastal ecosystem in Buruk Bakul area and Bengkalis District.”
Besides Indonesia, Aramco is also working with GEC in other parts of Southeast Asia, including Malaysia and Vietnam, on mangrove conservation and protection programs to share and replicate best practices across the region.
1Paramita, E., Rifardi, R., & Feliatra, F. Analysis of the Level of Abrasion on the Coast of Bukit Batu Sub-District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau. Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan, 27(3), 319-327.
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